(Copyright © 2002 The Blacklisted Journalist)


Thu, 10 Oct 2002 03:07:15 -0700
From: "Peter Coyote" <>  
Organization: Wild Dog Productions


I think you need to think this through. "Thanks to Ralph Nader and the Greens (Ralph diverted some 70,000 votes from Gore in Florida) a band of right-wing Hitlerites bent on world domination now controls America."

1) If you read Gregg Palast's book, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy", this  prize-winning reporter for the English Guardian proves (and I narrated his film on the subject as well) that Jeb Bush and Florida Republicans disenfranchised and illegally dropped 57,000 black and democratic voters from the Florida rolls. There are interviews with the company that reviewed the polls for felons where they come right and admit that the Florida Republicans gave them extremely loose criteria for finding felons: e.g. a "Richard Jones" who might be a felon in Texas would justify knocking an "R. Jones" or a "Richard M. Jones" off the polls in Florida. The company warned them that this might happen and were told to go ahead. The company, by the way was paid over $2,000,000 for their work. Their nearest competitive bid for the same job? $50,000! This was outright theft, and the Democrats went right along with it, cut their deals and basically shut up.

2) Furthermore, the combined newspaper poll which recounted all the Florida votes, discovered that had Gore simply played by the rules and demanded a recount of all Florida votes, instead of the ones in the Democratic counties that he favored, he would have won handily and honestly.

3) Blaming Nader for this is like saying that we dare not ever vote for a candidate less mediocre than any of the two turkeys officially running for office, lest the more mediocre of the two win. The blocking of Nader from even attending (with tickets) the Presidential debates shouldhave clued you in to how bananna-republic the whole voting process is. This is what you should be concentrating on, instead of the one guy who brought millions of new voters into the process and basically described the situation truthfully.

4) I have bones to pick with Nader, don't get me wrong. I was a supporter, but a) it was disingenuous of him to insist that there is "no difference between the two parties." That is simply not true on the level of judicial appointments and in the area of the environment, women's rights, and appointments at the agency level.

Furthermore, I think that Nader was driven by personal animosity of Gore (for which it's hard to blame him.) Gore, who actually understands the environmental issues clearly; who wrote a pretty good book about it, is a craven, lying son-of-a-bitch who's been caught with his pants down numerous times, siding with corporate pollutors again and again. He campaigned in 92 promising to close down a toxic incinerator in Ohio 1100 yards from a school. When he won, he asked Bush to extend their permit in the closing days of his Presidency. He promised to close the airport at the Edge of the Everglades until the Canosa family (think Cuba, think sugar) called him and he reneged. (that might have been worth a couple hundred environmental votes in Florida don't you think?)

5) Finally, while there was some publicity benefit to Nader's running, it's my personal belief that the Greens should not field national candidates, but should concentrate instead on overwhelming organizing at the local level; to imitate the right-wing in making sure that they are on school-boards, boards of supervisors; library boards, chambers of commerce. This is the long-term strategy for winning (and supporting) Senate and Congressional seats. National campaigns are too expensive, and the media's job is to whittle the race down to two contenders (which they decide) and to focus on them. There's no way around that lock in the short term.

Anyway, I think that repeating a truism like it was Nader who cost us the election is counter-productive. Nader had nothing to do with the Democrats going along with Bush's tax cut; the Democrats voting Bush the most extensive powers they've ever given to a President (and are now scrambling to take some back.) The ugly truth is that until elections are financed by the people; until tv air-time is free for qualified candidates (in return for which they must pledge to appear on each network in open, town-hall style debates); until all soft-money is banned; and until individuals and non-profits can take the same tax-deductions as corporations for "disseminating information" that the corporations do defeating our interests, nothing will change. It's still important to vote good men and women into office but it should be recognized as a sacrifice, throwing a healthy goldfish into polluted water. What they will have to do to stay in office inevitably cripples their integrity and effectiveness. We need to put them back into our employ again, and put corporations back in the economic sector (where they belong) and out of the civic sector.

Anyway, that's my two cents.


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Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 08:21:46 -0400
From: al aronowitz <>

PETER: I find a lot of obfuscation in your thinking. The Democrats are a lot of limp dicks, for sure. But the Greens are a bunch of chicken brains, something I'll elaborate on. In other words, if you draw a line in the dirt, on the sidewalk, in the middle of the road and put a chickens beak right on it, one chicken eye sees the line one way and the other chicken eye sees the line the other way and the chicken sees nothing but the line. Just like fundamentalists, who see nothing but the party line, the fundamentalist orthodoxy, the fundamentalist doctrine. Like fundamentalists of any brand---including far Left fundamentalists---the chicken is so hypnotized by the line that the chicken will not move but will remain with its beak to the line, whether you kick it, run it down with a car or oppose it with George W. Bush and his right wing crowd. If you have the same scorn for the limp dick Democrats that I have and that Nader and Greens have expressed, you've got to expect every dirty trick from the right never yet thought up and you've got to cement the unity of the opposition, not divert 70,000 votes in Florida. I really don't want to hear any more far-left casuistry or head-up-one's-ass thinking, especially from a person for whom I have as much respect as I do for you. As for Nader, I've lost all respect for him. He has rendered himself as irrelevant as two-faced Arafat.

We live in a world of cruel reality. Nader and the Greens wanted to punish the Democrats, so they cut off their noses to spite their faces. They punished the whole country and the whole world. Yes, it was Nader who enabled Bush to be anointed President by the fascist injustices of the Supreme Court.. No obfuscated argument will ever persuade me and the rest of the world otherwise. Look at what's happening as a result! Bush is taking the U.S. down the same road Slobodan took Serbia. To what end? The billionaire oligarchs will continue to live well while the U.S.  goes as broke as Russia did, as, Argentina did---no more social security checks. No more Medicare. No more money to pay government workers No more pensions. Plus Bush is giving the Islamic extremists exactly what Osama wanted, a war between Islam and the West, which can only end up as a thermonuclear holocaust. A total mess and I'm livid. And I blame it all on the arrogance and pomposity and head-up-their-ass thinking of Nader and the Greens. If you will read I BELIEVE IN JAZZ, my position is that the Left MUST GET TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT.  IT MUST BE WILLING TO BUDGE, SHIFT AND COMPROMISE IN ORDER TO STAY UNIFIED. IF NECESSARY, IT MUST CAPTURE AND REINVIGORATE THE DEMOCRATS, NOT GO SULKING OFF WITH PIE-IN-THE-SKY DREAMS OF A THIRD PARTY. "THE LESSER EVIL FALLACY!" THE GREENS SLOGANEERED. NOW THAT WE HAVE THE GREATER EVIL, IS THE GREATER EVIL A FALLACY? YOUR GREENS AND NOAM CHOMSKYS MUST BE READY TO IMPROVISE AND NOT KEEP THEIR NOSES MARRIED TO THEIR PARTY LINE!

Best. Al

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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 00:21:50 -0700
From: "Peter Coyote" <>
Organization: Wild Dog Productions
To: "'al aronowitz'" <>


is your point that without Nader Gore would have won? Are you suggesting that the Republicans paid him to run? What would you suggest the millions who voted for him do with their energy for reform if Nader hadn't entered the race? Other than this deciding to run, on what basis do you call Nader, a life-long public advocate who lives modestly and without recompense, an "arrogant and dedicated spoiler."? Do you feel that all third-party candidates are "moles" and spoilers?



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Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 12:24:23 -0400
From: al aronowitz


Yes, I am saying that without Nader Gore would have won. Isn't that obvious? Are ALL you Nader followers trying to dodge the obvious because you don't want to be blamed for Bush. Obviously, Nader KNEW he was entering the race as a spoiler. That took some hubris and arrogance, didn't it?

 I'm not suggesting the G.O.P. paid him to run. I'm saying that I've been given credible reports that the Republicans secretly helped fund his campaign. Nader attracted millions of idealistic kids who really thought they could build a third party. They were misguided by Nader and the Greens. I AM saying that there are pompous Green leaders who were hoping to get enough votes to qualify for federal election funds. They wanted the money more than they cared what would happen if the right wing gained control of the country. They thought they would punish the Democrats and the country would swing their way after a taste of Bush. It's not working out that way, is it? They didn't count on all the worst things that could happen that ARE happening.

Yes, I feel that Nader has negated---and Bush has destroyed---all the good things that Nader did for the country. And, yes, I think that that Nader was an arrogant and---because he knew what he was doing---dedicated spoiler.

I never even INTIMATED "that all third-party candidates are moles." I called your attention to an instance in which underground leaders concluded that a mole sabotaged the decrim effort, and I suggested that there COULD BE moles influencing Green direction. And, yes, I contend that third party candidates who know they don't stand a chance of winning HAVE TO BE AWARE that they are spoilers, diverting votes---candidates like Stanley Aronowitz, running for governor of New York on the Green ticket.

Best, Al

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Subject: Bird in my teeth
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:25:08 -0700
From: "Peter Coyote" <>
Organization: Wild Dog Productions
To: "'aga7866'" <>

Never one to stop shaking a dead bird, Al, I want to pursue this a little bit more with you.
Nader and the Greens approached the Democrats early on with a deal: Help us qualify for Federal matching money and we will not campaign in any close or swing states. The response to that was a decisive "fuck you" from the Democrats. The Democrats led by Mr. Environmental, Al Gore. There was no reason that they could not have made an alliance with the Greens and assured themselves of their vote. The Prime Minister of Germany did it, and the Greens there (by being intransigent, I might add) control a critical 8% of the vote and have a real voice in National politics.  

The ONLY state Gore lost to Nader was Florida. Blaming Nader and the Greens for not anticipating that the President's brother would blatantly rig and steal the election and that the Supreme Court would blatantly throw the decision is like asking them to accept that we live in a Fascist dictatorship and not campaign at all.

It's true that Bush et al are extremely right wing dangerous folks. That's not Nader's fault. Neither is it his fault that the Democrats are spineless assholes without a principle between them. Someone has to speak truth to power, and if that person has to be absolutely flawless and perfect, it'll be a long wait.

It sounds like your sense of "playing jazz" would demand that everyone in politics (with more responsibility going to challengers) think through the implications of everything, including being able to predict the future. Did you level the same charges at Gene McCarthy for having the temerity to challenge the status quo?

I understand that you're pissed off, but you're pissed off at the wrong people. 48 MILLION people voted for George Bush. Think about that for half a fucking second! 48 MILLION people like the guy and think that guys like you and me are full of shit. Instead of blaming Nader (and of course you've laid no blame on the previous political ass-holes who created the condition in which the Green party felt it necessary to field a candidate) why not look forward. What can we do about the future? If nothing, stop complaining. If there's something we can do: changing the way elections are run; fielding better candidates, getting more organized; setting up Democratic and Gtreen think tanks to counter right-wingers (who by and large are doing a much better job of coining vocabulary and arguments than we are), then by God, let's do it and stop sniveling. Looking backwards and casting blame does no one one bit of good. It's like a soloist saying, "Oh shit, that last note gave me a great idea, I wish I had it again." By the time he's finished the thought they're into the bridge and he's no longer playing with the band.

These are dark times on so many fronts. Even had the Democrats won, and their appointments been marginally better, do you think we would have signed the Kyoto accords? Done zip to stop global warming? Species extinction? Both parties work for the same pot of money, Al. YOu know that as well as I do. It's wishful thinking to think that on the big picture the Democrats would have been much different. I appreciate that the devil's in the details and would certainly rather see anyone other than John Ashcroft as attorney general. But you know as well as I do, that after 9/11 the Dems would have (and did) trample one another to appear more-patriotic-than-the-next.

Why not put your energy on the heart-of-the-matter: Campaign finance. Reel this guys back into the people's employ. If the following steps were taken, within ten years we'd see a wholly different political landscape. (If they're not, nothing will change.)

1) Full Federal Funding of all national elections and a ban on soft money.

        a) Once in office, elected officials are no longer allowed to take any gifts, travel, speakers fees, etc.

2) Free tv-prime-time beginning six weeks before the elections on each network.

        a) in return for which each candidate has to appear on town-hall style debates on each network. (done this way in most of Europe, so you really have a chance to check
them out. 

3)Non-profits and individuals to receive the same tax-write-offs as corporations for "disseminating information." e.g.-When the Clean Air Act was first attempted, the Big Three automakers sent a dog-and-pony show around the country telling cub-scout troops, little-leaguers, handicapped groups etc. that if the bill passed, no car bigger than a Honda would be allowed on the roads. They scared the shit out of people and generated so much 'astro-turf' correspondence that the bill was defeated. The Big Three deducted the costs of that little exercise, which means that you and I paid for it.

"All governments exist to defraud their people"....Peter Drucker. (If he doesn't know, I don't know who does.) The only question that remains is: What're we gonna do next.


            Peter Coyote

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Subject: Re: Bird in my teeth
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 15:29:48 -0400
From: al aronowitz <>


Never one to stop shaking a dead bird, Al, I want to pursue this a little bit more with you.

I'm honored.

Nader and the Greens approached the Democrats early on with a deal: Help us qualify for Federal matching money and we will not campaign in any close or swing states.

I never was apprised of that. But that smells a little like blackmail, doesn't it?

The response to that was a decisive "fuck you" from the Democrats. The Democrats led by Mr. Environmental, Al Gore.

How would YOU have responded to that bit of extortion?

There was no reason that they could not have made an alliance with the Greens and assured themselves of their vote. The Prime Minister of Germany did it, and the Greens there (by being intransigent, I might add) control a critical 8% of the vote and have a real voice in National politics.

Might I remind you that here in the U. S., we do NOT have a parliamentary system.

The ONLY state Gore lost to Nader was Florida.

He lost a few other states. too, including his own. There's no question that Gore was a wimp. I guess he's learned his lesson much too late.

Blaming Nader and the Greens for not anticipating that the President's brother would blatantly rig and steal the election and that the Supreme Court would blatantly throw the decision is like asking them to accept that we live in a Fascist dictatorship and not campaign at all 

America is not a Democracy, it's a hypocrisy. In Florida, Nader successfully diverted some 70,000 votes from Gore. 70,000 votes would have given Gore a safe plurality too large for Jeb Bush to fuck with.

It's true that Bush et al are extremely right wing dangerous folks. That's not Nader's fault. Neither is it his fault that the Democrats are spineless assholes without a principle between them.

I long ago conceded that the Democrats are limp dicks. I suggest that the way to attack the system is to wrest control of the Democratic Party from the asshole politicians who don't care that the Democratic Party is supposed to be the party of the people. Nader's and the Green's head-on attack on the country's political system has proved disastrous to the country and to the world. If Nader and the Greens thought they had enough power to attack the system, the country would be better off if they had begun a major effort WITHIN the Democratic Party---to field candidates in the primaries instead of in the general election.

Someone has to speak truth to power, and if that person has to be absolutely flawless and perfect, it'll be a long wait.

Aren't you revealing a little holier-than-thouism with that statement?

 It sounds like your sense of "playing jazz" would demand that everyone in  politics (with more responsibility going to challengers) think through the  implications of everything, including being able to predict the future.

Yes, a little vision would have helped. Yardbird Parker had vision. Miles had vision. I knew Miles very well and he could see what was happening and what was going to happen in music.

Did you level the same charges at Gene McCarthy for having the temerity to challenge the  status quo?

I wasn't much of an activist in those days. I was so fed up with the system that I dropped out and didn't pay much attention. I was also not a little insane, a condition touched off by the dirtbags I worked with and for at the NY Post. I don't even remember when it was that Gene McCarthy was a factor.

I understand that you're pissed off,

I would say livid  

but you're pissed off at the wrong people. 48 MILLION people voted for George Bush.

The American electorate has many times proved itself as stupid as all electorates around the world. America also elected Alzheimer the Brainless and I Am Not A Crook Nixon.

Think about that for half a fucking  second! 48 MILLION people like the guy and think that guys like you and me are full of shit.

I have fans who love me AND that madman. Also I think EVERYBODY's fulla shit. Click on /column78n2.html

Instead of blaming Nader (and of course you've laid no blame on the previous political ass-holes

I detest ALL assholes! But, as I say, everybody hates an asshole but can't wait to be one.

who created the condition in which the Green party felt it necessary to field a candidate) why not look forward.

That is what I'm saying we all on the left must do. The chickenbrains with their beaks glued to their doctrinaire party line must be willing to budge, shift and IMPROVISE. People married to ANY kind of orthodoxy have got to realize that they are fundamentalists and that fundamentalism is unhealthy for the world.

What can we do about the future?

That's what we've got to start figuring out before the body bags start piling up---both at home and abroad. We've got to find a way to avert the coming thermonuclear holocaust. 

If nothing, stop complaining.

You mean to say that YOU'RE not complaining?  

If there's something we can do: changing the way elections are run; fielding better candidates, getting more organized; setting up Democratic and Green think tanks to counter right-wingers (who by and large are doing a much better job of coining vocabulary and arguments than we are), then by God, let's do it and stop sniveling.

Are you accusing me of sniveling?  

Looking backwards and casting blame does no one one bit of good.

What's that old saying: those who don't read history are bound to repeat it.

It's like a soloist saying, "Oh shit, that last note gave me a great idea, I wish I had it again."

You're reaching.

By the time he's finished the thought they're into the bridge and he's no longer playing with the band.

That's not the way musicians improvise when they're playing jazz  

These are dark times on so many fronts. Even had the Democrats won, and their appointments been marginally better, do you think we would have signed the Kyoto accords?

It' more likely we would have.

Done zip to stop global warming?

It' more likely we would have.

Species extinction?

It' more likely we would have.

Both parties work for the same pot of money, Al. YOu know that as well as I do. It's wishful thinking to think that on the big picture the Democrats would have been much different. I appreciate that the devil's in the details

The Devil's in ALL of us.

and would certainly rather see anyone other than John Ashcroft as attorney general.

There you go!

But you know as well as I do, that after 9/11 the Dems would have (and did) trample one another to appear more-patriotic-than-the-next.

I see nothing wrong with a feeling of patriotism within an America attacked by maniacal extremist Islamic fanatics who want a war with the West.  

Why not put your energy on the heart-of-the-matter: Campaign finance. Reel this guys back into the people's employ. If the following steps were taken, within ten years we'd see a wholly different political landscape. (If they're not, nothing will change.)

I won't count on Bush switching his allegiance from Big Oil to America.

    1) Full Federal Funding of all national elections and a ban on soft money.

a)     Once in office, elected officials are no longer allowed to take any gifts, travel, speakers fees, etc.

    2) Free tv-prime-time beginning six weeks before the elections on each network.

        a) in return for which each candidate has to appear on town-hall style debates on each network.

I'm for all of those but how do we enlighten the ninnies who stand in the way?  

            (done this way in most of Europe, so you really have a chance to check them out.)

    3)Non-profits and individuals to receive the same tax-write-offs as corporations for "disseminating information." e.g.-When the Clean Air Act was first attempted, the big Three automakers  sent a dog-and-pony show around the country telling cub-scout troops,  little-leaguers, handicapped groups etc. that if the bill passed, no car bigger than a Honda would be allowed on the roads. They scared the shit out of people and generated so much 'astro-turf' correspondence that the bill was defeated. The Big Three deducted the costs of that little exercise, which means that you and I paid for it.

It's always the Oligarchs (Big Money) versus the people. You've done your part to enlighten the people and I'm trying t do my part.

"All governments exist to defraud their people"....Peter Drucker.

I say it's fools and charlatans who always rule the rest of us---a worldwide condition.

(If he doesn't know, I don't know who does.) The only question that remains is: What're we gonna do next.

Organize peace marches led by leaders who don't give us doctrinaire harangues. But we've got to be ready for bigger and bloodier Kent State Massacres

Best, Al

(I find your html a little hard to handle when i click on the reply button.)

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Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:39:40 -0400
From: al aronowitz <>
To: "Coyote, Peter" <>

PETE: Haven't heard from you since I last emailed you. The following was taken from   So, I'm not the only one who thinks so. --Al

Green Nightmare

What the Greens don't seem to be getting is that in countries that have more than two parties, the parties form coalitions in order to combine their power for greatest advantage. Third parties in America seem to be just putting on a show with no hope of winning. Their effect is inevitably to split the people they are closest to in the political spectrum and give the power to the other side.

The Naderites seem to be blindly driving forward like automaton bulls without regard to the fact that their efforts are undermining their own core causes. Their only power now is to break the Democratic party, which is bad enough God knows, but is it not obvious that the alternative is extremely dangerous to the future of the planet? This is a time to unite all forces for humanity against the war machine, not a time to let pride and petty differences split the majority and extend the rule of the fascist minority that seized the White House by arresting the democratic process in 2000.  

Time to evolve beyond that primitive level of political naiveté and gain just a bit of pragmatism while we still have a chance to preserve something of planet Earth.  ##  

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The Blacklisted Journalist can be contacted at P.O.Box 964, Elizabeth, NJ 07208-0964
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